After some lengthy research ,based loosely on some movie gimmicks. We have a after life belief based on religion,what if going into the light was the wrong thing to do,as it is our free will that allows us to go wherever after life when death has overcome the body.however if we were tricked some how into going some place else,thinking it was better, we could end up as fuel in a extraterrestrial space ship.using the ambition of billion’s and billion’s of human soul’s. vacuumed up and stored in a small pressurized magnetic field that creates a dreamlike state causing the large quantity of human spirit to give off the necessary wavelength to travel across universal distances in a instant.time travel occurs when anticipating future events or observing future events ,manipulating large amount’s of this combined energy allows for these ship’s to come and go faster than the thought of a single mind.It seems that those who belief in a god end up going into some form of light .This is what happens to those that follow a false belief system.Those that don’t go into the light but look away or just don’t see the light , these souls can end up a new physical beings, reincarnation of the normal cycle of ones Sprite. I welcome all comments